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The Neutral Solution LLC 

What Do We Do After an Impasse in Mediation

Mediation is a process that aims to help parties in conflict discuss their problem(s) and come to a mutually acceptable resolution. The dialogue and negotiation between the parties are facilitated by a neutral, unbiased mediator. However, despite the mediator’s best efforts, sometimes mediation can reach a point when neither party is willing to compromise any further, resulting in a deadlock or impasse.
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The Neutral Solution LLC 

Pros and Cons of Non-Binding Arbitration

The costs associated with litigating a legal dispute continue to increase. For these reasons, many people are turning to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation and arbitration instead of litigation. Moreover, many judges are ordering arbitration in an effort to relieve their backlog of court cases.
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The Neutral Solution LLC

Mediation & Confidentiality

In Florida, two or more parties or entities involved in a dispute may seek mediation to help settle the issues amicably and quickly. This often involves working with a neutral third party (a mediation lawyer or mediator) to help negotiate a possible settlement and achieve a feasible resolution.
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The Neutral Solution LLC

Preparing for Non-Binding Arbitration

Arbitration is among the alternative dispute resolution options that are often pursued to resolve disagreements between two or more parties. It often requires the disputing parties to submit evidence and testimonies to one or more qualified arbitrators, who will help the parties come to a conclusion.
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